The life long question of "Can you wear socks and sandals together?" continues. This great debate has been dividing a nation and destroying friendships and families.
No, not really. However, there are some clear right ways and wrong ways to wear them together and we think we should show our honey's the best way to differentiate between the two.
*Note: Apologies to anyone who feels personally attacked for wearing what we classify as a 'no' - this is just in our opinion the right and wrong ways to wear socks in sandals. You do you though, and just own it.
Can you wear socks & sandals
1# Yes
Corduroy texture + leather texture + buckles + heeled sandals?
Its a Yes. You can wear socks in sandals this way. Looks super elegant and sophisticated.
2# Yep
Lacey heeled sandals and fishnet socks are grunge-chic and look pretty damn cool.
Yes you can wear socks in sandals when it looks like this.
3# Colours are important
Tulle socks are an obvious yes. Chunky sandals are a yes, if the outfit allows a cross over of brown and black than its a yes. If not, maybe consider a different type of sandal.
(This photo is ours, and was to make a point on colours being important)
Mixing textures and that little pop of orange reveals so much about someones personal style - and even gives away that they're a little quirky.
Wearing your socks & sandals like this is a yes purely for its reflection
of personality.
4# Definitely
Probably not for us.
I mean, we say yes.
This way of wearing it wouldn't be for everyone, but the combination of a darker inner texture and lighter exterior is a head turner and thats what we love.
12# White with black socks?
Individually those clothing pieces would be cute.
Just not together.
Then again - if you wear it with confidence you can pull anything off.
13# Oh boy.
The left image is definitely more daring, as we said above - a light sandal and darker inner sock may not be for everyone!
The far right is just a straight up yes. Cute bunching and such a cool shoe.
These are super cute in real life. They present a more relaxed but still well put together style.
Not for everyone, but we love it.
14# 50/50
15# Yeah, sure
Just, no.
16# No.
If you purchased these and have worn them out before, you are indeed the ballsy-est person to ever walk the street. Also please tell us it was for a joke too.
17# SOS
What do you think? >
We feel like all we're saying is yes right now. Trust me some no's are coming.
Monochromatic always works when adding socks to sandals so yas guys.
5# Yup
Again, this is one of ours to make a point. Lighter shoes with darker socks is harder to make work.
However, this looked brilliant in real life and received loads of compliments. So if you know you can make it work, you can.
6# Maybe
Stocking socks, under white socks in a velvet red heeled sandal.
Lets just take a minute to appreciate the person who tried - and succeed in this look.
Layers are so cool, and when layering with socks its even cooler.
7# Oh yes.
8# Niiice
Glitter socks and slides are an interesting combo. So are socks and any sandal really.
Depending on the occasion this is actually a yes from us!
It's all about wearing it with confidence and not worrying about what other people think with this one...
Maybe not for us though.
9# At least you tried?
Technically not sandals (on the far right) but both are a great way to have comfy feet and cute sandals.
We also recommend that lacey, tulle, or sheer socks would be rockin' with both types of shoes.
(Check out for your own pair)