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2018 Trend: Tattoo Socks?

Tattoos have always been a part of culture, usually symbolising travels and heritage.

More recently they have become a form used for self expression, style and lean more towards a personal meaning over a community meaning. 

All that deep philosophical talk aside, they look damn cool too and have been getting more and more popular. 


These days you'll see people sporting small detailed ones on their wrists, ankles and calves and when asked about them, will usually reply with a

"I just wanted it". 

Looking further into this trend, our team are collaborating with artists
to create simple intricate designs.

What for?  So it looks like you have a couple of sweet tatts peaking through your socks, knee highs and stockings.


This is another pain free solution looking less pretentious and more fashionable than temporary tattoos.

Tatt stockings have been popping up more and more since Autumn 2017.


However, ours will be a combination of manufactured and handmade, so these would be different to anything you've ever seen. 

So if you like cool socks, art and tatts keep your eyes peeled.

What do you think? >

No. 1

Velvet felt pressed into stockings

Screen printed knee-highs

Velvet felt heat pressed on.

No. 2

Ink drawings/pattern  on sheer

No. 3

Our favourite technique? This one.

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